I'm a liar.
At least, that's what this whole blog thing is about. This is just a persona that I don. There are flecks of my personality in there, but I've long been the type to mask my true feelings with humor. Some call it a defense mechanism, and the some that do would be right.
It's to distract you. It's so you'll laugh at me in a way that I can control rather than expose the fragile pieces of myself that you might laugh at and through which I might feel hurt.
Now, we all wear a mask of some sort when it comes to certain things. In a lot of ways in my life I've been selfish and guarded. I've been short-sighted and too quiet. This is not meant to be some sort of confessional. I have a lot of very good qualities, too. I'm kind and loving and generous, sometimes too generous. I can also be very permissive and an enabler when I least need to be.
I tell you all these things because you may think at times you'll know me from reading all this. There is bound to be some way in which I'm exactly the same as every one of you reading these words. Maybe this smacks of grandiosity, however, don't buy into everything I say. It's for entertainment purposes only. It's a novelty, and a moderately well-crafted ruse. My brain works in some very predictable ways, some of them quite flawed.
That's what I'm here celebrating with you. That's why, Dear Reader, I want you to be just as much a part of this as I am. I want to explore my flaws through humor. I want to learn to cope with them in my own way. The most personal things I will deal with in my own, personal way. I'm not going to completely bare my soul on the Internet. After all, this is just for fun, right?
There, I needed to get that out. Now I can get back to creating a fart noise ringtone generator.
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